Saturday, August 16, 2008

First AVR program

Learning C, Assembly, and the intricacies of Linux make and avr-gcc is really slow going. There's lots to digest. But, my first success today, I got my own version of the embedded "Hello World!" to work on my STK500 with an ATMEGA8515L. I also got the one of the ATMEGA128's from 2005 to work as well, which means that I can use it as a dev platform too!

In other news, our proposal is pretty much finalized, and looking very professional thanks to Greg's help. Hopefully I'll be able to round up enough cash to carry out the Sumo competition!

Anyhow, I'm off to learn more about the avr-libc so I can start getting sensors working. Nothing quite like hacking around for wasting the day away!

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